Products Poultry

Chicken Breast Fillets

From amongst others Brazil and Thailand we can offer chicken breast fillets in different packaging. Brands can differ but we always have products on stock.

Chicken innerfillets

Also we can offer chicken innerfillets from these countries.

Chicken thigh and leg meat

In addition to breast meat we can also supply you with boneless chicken thigh and leg meat without bone and with or whithout skin.

Nuggets, goujons and more

Futherprocessed products like nuggets, goujons etc are also available.

Products poultry

Roasted Duck

From China we can offer roasted deboned duck.

Raw Whole Duck

And we also have whole raw duck available.



From Vietnam we have Pangasiusfilets in our assortment.

Salmon fillet

We can also offer salmon fillets from Norway


Furthermore we can offer squid tubes from China.


We have different kind of shrimps from amongst others Vietnam.